Friday, September 16, 2011

Noah's Decision

"Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of God belongs to such as these.  I tell you the truth anyone that will not recieve teh kingdom of God like a little child will never enter it Mark 10:14-15"

A few weeks ago the greatest thing happened since the day Noah Birney came into this world.  He accepted Jesus Christ as his Savior and gave his life to him.  It all started about six months ago, Noah started asking me questions about being saved.  He knew what sin was and knew he was sinner and he told me how much he loved Jesus.  I found it incredible and hard to believe that a 5 year-old could grasp what it truly means to be saved.  I didn't think he was "mature" enough.  Noah didn't give up.  He continued asking questions and answering the many questions I would in return ask him.  I began to feel convicted that I was keeping him from making this decision.  Of course I wanted my son to be saved.  That is the most important decision he will ever make.  I just wanted to know that he truly knew what it all meant. 

 I made an appointment with the childrens pastor at our church. I explained to him the situation and said I wanted his opinion if he felt that Noah truly understood what he was wanting to doing.  Noah was so excited. He had been asking me to do this for months.  So, two Sunday nights ago we went to church early to meet with pastor Brian.  I was amazed as Noah answered each and every one of his questions so matter-of-factly.  He would pause between answering some of the questions and I so badly wanted to answer for him, but I sad quietly as I watched him thinking through his answer and then he woud give the exact right answer in his own words.  When the pastor asked him how he knew Jesus died on the cross for his sins, Noah looked at him and simply said "because he did"  of course Brian was looking for him to say it was because the Bible told us, but to Noah this has never been an issue for debate.  Of course Jesus died on the cross for his sins, of course Jesus is his Savior.  there is no other answer that could even be considered.  After praying to accept Jesus into his heart, he told me how happy he felt.  He wanted to call all his grandparents and aunts and uncles and tell them.  He called his daddy and said "Dad, now me and you are brothers"  Jacob has heard talking about Noah beging saved and now Jacob tells people that "Jesus saved his brother from the devil".  It is so cute hearing him say that and knowing he is right.  Jesus saved us all from paying the debt for our sin.

Casey and I are both incredibly proud of Noah for making this life changing decision.  He is only 6 years-old but I have already begun to see changes in him.  His concern for others, wanting to help around the house, and especially in the way he treats his little brother.  He has always been a sweet little boy, but now I see him really thinking of others more than himself.  Now of course this isn't all the time.  He is by no means perfect and he knows that, the difference is he really wants to please God by trying to be more like Jesus.    He has been working through a workbook each night for "Young Christians"  he loves it.  He looks forward to it each night. In the mornings he and his little brother both put on "the armor of God" before they start each day.  We read through Ephesians 6:10-20 and I watch as they put on this "armor" over their clothes.  They remind me each day because they look so forward to it.  If we forget Noah never fails to remind me as we are pulling into his school that we need to do it.  He is very shy and still a little nervous at school and he says the "armor of God" helps him not be so nervous.  I have to say I love it.

 Within the next few Sundays he is going to walk down in front of the church and make his decision public and then he will also be Baptized.  As I said in the beginning of this post, it is the greastest moment since this precious child came into this world.  I cannot wait to continue to watch him and even learn from him. To Noah there is not a single doubt who is Savior is and that his Savior loves him.  My prayer is that he always has the faith of a child no matter how old he is.

"Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of God belongs to such as these.  I tell you the truth anyone that will not recieve teh kingdom of God like a little child will never enter it Mark 10:14-15"

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